800,000 NIS will bring us closer to the dream

Walk along with Beeri - make the Dream a Reality!

Berri was born in week 32, two months earlier than expected.

Berri, is now four years old, with cerebral palsy - does not stand or walk on his own.
The brain injury is in the motor area of the brain, and it is expressed in a highly increased tone - especially in the lower extremities. The increased tone causes the inability to lay the whole foot on the ground, to the lack of balance and coordination, difficulties in organizing the body in space, intense pain and, as time goes by, to shorten muscles and tendons, and eventually to deformities in the bone and joints.

Berri has a weekly treatment routine where we try to relieve stress on the body as much as possible, reduce the pain and strain on the muscle, teach the body patterns of movement and posture, and try to slow the aggravation.

Berri's response is admirable; And with endless joy, a constant smile, willpower, and determination that never cease to amaze- he is overcoming all obstacles and challenges, however complex. With simplicity and love, he finds the way for all intents and purposes, and he is an inspiration and an incredible lesson for all of us.

And now, Berri was found to be suitable for a groundbreaking surgery that will change his whole life. The breakthrough spinal neurosurgery will be performed in St. Louis, USA by Dr. Park, a neurosurgeon who specializes in cerebral palsy in children, a surgery that can change his life and enable Beeri to stand on his own and hopefully even walk - for the first time in his life. In the St. Louis children's hospital, there will also be performed orthopedic surgery to prevent pain, deformities and many surgeries later in life. The two surgeries are expensive and involve many other expenses - including over a year of intensive rehabilitation of daily treatments.

Joining us in our journey - will help Berri realize the simple-changing life dream of - Walking and be independent.

800,000 NIS will bring us closer to the dream
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₪762838 Donated
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